People are often asking us how we tell them apart. The truth is, they are getting harder and harder to tell apart as they lose that "preemie" look. I took some pictures last night and here are our hints.
Here are the back of their heads. Note the Hemangioma on the back of Isabelle's head.

Here are their belly buttons. Isabelle has an umbilical hernia. We hope that this will close on it's own, but if not, she will need surgery to correct it.

Here are thier ears. Abby is on the left, Izzy is on the right.

We are really enjoying them, trying as it may be at times. We're up for the challenge. We actually went out for our first outing ALL TOGETHER, (other than to church) Saturday night. Emily had an awards banquet for Cheerleading. It was nice, but as soon as the food was done, Rocky took Caleb, Matthew and Olivia home. Here is Emily with her trophy.
And here are a couple of pictures of Olivia and I holding the twins. She is really taking to them. Sometimes "hitting" them out of love. We're working on "gentle".