Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"A decrease in vision which is different from being nearsighted or farsighted. Patients with amblyopia do not see perfectly clearly with the affected eye, even with glasses or contacts. Amblyopia can be mild or severe. People with amblyopia have a problem with how the brain understands visual information the eye is sending it. Amblyopia will usually only affect one eye."

This is Abigail. We will have to patch her right eye every day for 2 hours until the end of July when we go back to see Dr. H again. Have you ever tried to keep an eye patch on a 16 month old? NOT really easy. She ended up wearing it for about 30 minutes tonight. I had to order her patches online. They come in many pretty cute prints. Who wants just plain white for their princess, because, you know, she can see it and all and might become offended if she knew that I ordered white and there was pink camo as an option - NOT. Anyway, they got me and I ordered the "girly" pack, the fun pack #1 and the fun pack #2. That should give us plenty to make it until the end of July. Hopefully this will fix the wandering problem, otherwise we are looking at glasses and maybe surgery. Let's hope that it does not come to that.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Number 958

Here I am after my 1st 5K. Phew. I must admit, I didn't run the entire time, but I finished. I wasn't first and I wasn't last. My time was 41 minutes. It was fun. I didn't feel like I was going to die. This evening I am a little sore, but not unbearable. I think I'll do it again. Who knows - maybe I'll run Cowtown next year!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Back

Sorry for the Hiatus. Things have been so busy with soccer season starting up and just daily life. My main focus today is to let you know about the 5K I have been training for. Yes, me, training for a 5K. It has been actually fun, and I look forward to my runs. Wow, I didn't thin those words would ever come out of my mouth. Anyway, I am running in the MS 5K on March 28th. I run in honor of a good friend who battles this disease every day. My hope is that a cure will be found while he is still young so that he can walk his daughters down the isle on their wedding day! (We love you J.) You can click here to visit my fundraising page and donate if you feel led.