On Friday the 13th of February, Emily entered her first Regional Spelling Bee. I will start out by saying she did get out in the 3rd round. However, I must also add that the event started out with about 60 kids, and by the 3rd round she was one of 12 or so. Her words were: 1st round - Polka, 2nd round - Rupee, 3rd round Poignant - out. We were so proud of her. I don't think she was near as nervous as we were.
The girls are doing well. They are both really happy just cruising around. They are getting more verbal. Abby has said "mama", Izzy has said "Ball". They will both give a high five now. They are starting to look around and try to interact with their brothers and sisters, and even each other. Although lately, interacting consists of Abby taking a toy away from Izzy and Izzy biting Abby. They are sleeping better, in their own beds, mostly all night. They started passing the GI bug around again last week. Abby, Izzy, Josh and I have had it. Olivia had a touch of it and everyone else so far has been safe. Hopefully it will stop there, as Mema can't afford to get it again - ok, WE can't afford for Mema to get it again. She is convinced that everytime she gets sick, it is the sickest she has ever been. I have to remind her that in her now 87 years (TODAY) of living, she HAS to have been sicker than this at least once!
Well, the word is out. I am training for a 5K. When I thought of it and roped and or persuaded some co-workers to do it with me, another co-worker laughed. She said that it was not that big of a deal. I would beg to differ! I have always wanted to run. I thought it would be the most perfect exercise - just walk out the door and go. However, I have never been able to get over the whole "I can't breathe" part. Well, I found a "couch to 5 K" training program and have been working at it. I am up to running 8 minutes at a time - about 2 1/2 miles. I actually find myself WANTING to go out and exercise. Wow - I didn't think those words would ever come out of my mouth. Well, when looking for an event to run, we had to time it out so that we would have time to train. The Cowtown was out - TOO COLD. We found the MS walk and 5K. We have a co-worker with MS and I have a dear friend who also suffers with MS. I do this in their honor. Here is the site to my fundraising page if you feel so moved.
We recently spent a night at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. It was fun, but I wouldn't do it again. Too much money and Too many people. I'll get some pictures up soon.
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