Monday, March 8, 2010


We are trying the "Love and Logic" thing around the house again. I really like the concept, but in practical application, when someone has just pushed the last button left, I wish Charles and Jim Fay were in my living room to tell me what to say exactly! Well - experiment #1 this morning. Joshua had found some balloons in some old craft things upstairs. He had blown some up for his siblings. As always, things started out nice, and then turned to chaos...

Well, this morning, he put the bag in his pocket. I told him not to take the balloons to school. He said "I'll keep them in my locker all day". OK - well, just so you know there will be consequences if you make a bad decision.

Guess what - as we are sitting at the hospital, Rocky gets the call...Josh has after school detention for taking balloons to lunch, and then arguing with the teacher about where he was sitting.

After school - I asked him what my last words were to him before we left the house. He said - I love you and have a good day - I said nope - that was in the car.

Again - what were the last words I said to you at home - he repeated MOST of the conversation - got the part right about consequences. So he then proceeded to tell me that all teachers are the devil, their heads spin around all day and spit green pea soup. (well, that's not entirely all, but close). Everyone hates him, they run school like a prison, etc.

I asked him why when he said he would keep them in his locker all day, did he not do that - and he said he did. And clarified that to mean that lunch didn't count. He didn't KNOW he would get in trouble for taking balloons to lunch, but he knew he would in class. We didn't even go into the fact that he argued with the teacher about it instead of just taking his punishment. He always HAS to be right.

After dinner, we went upstairs to talk about consequences...the natural ones, such as he has detention, and the imposed ones - he will write an apology and apologize in person to the teacher he argued with. He said that was redundant - we explained that sometimes redundancy is a good thing.

The next thing to tackle is his relationships with his siblings. I might need a nap!

1 comment:

Marie A said...

Good job Julie! I didn't get to take the Love and Logic class before I left FW. I love the way you handled this. Parenting is definately not for sissys.

Marie A.
(former board member/arbonne girl from FW Mom)