Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to the basics...

Everyone in the free world should know by now that my dryer is broken. Although a major inconvenience, it has not really been that bad. Now, when the washer broke - THAT was the end of the world! There is no way (in this day and time) that a family of 10 (at the time) could live without a washer. Well, thank goodness for my Dialysis Nursing background - because I was able to fix the washer. I can do plumbing. It's not that hard, really. The dryer on the other hand does not have any plumbing. It has electricity. Electricity scares me. I am in awe of it, but I have a very healthy fear of it. It can hurt you! I did try to change out the ballast on my laundry room light, but ended up having to call a dear friend, electrician, to fix it. Come to find out it was not an easy job for him, either. Something was wrong with the way it was wired. Thank goodness - I was afraid I was crazy!

Back to the dryer - My father in law and Rocky have been looking at it for 2 days now. After some much needed sleep, John came back over today and said it all made more sense to him (than at midnight the night before). It is a simple $14 part. Hopefully by tomorrow evening I will have a working dryer again. Then I have to go about loading up the top of the dryer with all that crap that gets stacked up on it, that is now all over my dining room table.

I have somewhat enjoyed hanging up my clothes on the line. I don't especially LOVE the smell of clothes dried outside - like so many other people, and I REALLY don't like crunchy towels. I guess there is something to the fact I am saving energy - and more important to me - saving $$$ by drying the clothes outside. I may continue to do so for a bit - except for the towels. Especially after I get the water bill - I discovered the hose on at full blast, towards the back fence, watering Summercrest Blvd., ALL DAY from the best we can discern. I may need to be saving a little extra on the Electric to pay for the water. Unless the City of Burleson will let me call and say "my kids did it" and take the usage off my bill - I don't think so...

1 comment:

D Herrod said...

Hope your dryer get fixed soon.