Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My sweet girls and other stuff

Well, the girls are growing so much. We go back to see the pulmonologist at the end of the month and will find out what the plan is for the winter. I am assuming that means another round of RSV shots. They are officially teething. They are VERY drooly and wet all the time. They might just eat their fingers for dinner soon. They put everything they can in their mouth. I got this cute picture last night. Abby has her arm around Izzy's neck. AWWWW
On other fronts, Josh and Emily are away at Pre-teen camp. I hope they are having a good time, and learning as well. Caleb really misses them. He is getting some good one-on-one time with the grandparents while they are gone, but he really misses them. I hope that they can appreciate that someday. Caleb really has a tender heart.

I will be travelling to Boston Saturday and returning on Wednesday for a Transplant Conference. I am going by myself, and will probably not have computer access for the entire time - yikes. I kidded about going and buying a laptop just for this trip, but that got poo-poo'd really fast. Too bad. Maybe they will have a business center that I can sneak in and keep somewhat up to date on everything. I hope the kids are easy on Rocky while I am gone. School is about to start. I think we are ready. I have been shoe shopping with the kids and only have Josh and Emily to finish up. I did the underwear shopping yesterday, without the kids. They will just be surprised. They probably won't even notice...Oh well. Off for laundry and to clean never ends!

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